Monday, October 22, 2012

Please Pray

Bonny had another seizure last week.  She has been disoriented and in more pain since.  We all need your prayers holding us up. We are all straining to trust the Lord, crying out to Him in this heart-wrenching hour.  Bonny has not given up and continues to call out to Him.  God's Love will win!
Thank you for being there in prayer,

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Faith to Live

I know it has been a while since I've given an update on Bonny.  I will not typically send out an update unless there has been some kind of significant change.  Since the last update, Bonny's pain has increased some.  She has also had the challenge of tremors as a result of the brain tumors.  One night this lead to a siezure, which frankly shook me up pretty good.  We had family and friends standing with us through this.  She now has some medicine that helps control tremor activity.

Enduring throughout this journey has been one of the greatest challenges.  In fact, much of our current focus has been to stay strong in the fight, to "...not throw away our doing the will of God." To be "...not of those who shrink back...but who have faith."  Hebrews 10: 35-39.   What an opportunity we have been given.

Bonny loves to get out in the wheel chair and sit on the porch in the fall weather we are having.  Our youngest, Matthew, recently picked up a piece of chalk and began to write the word "LIVE" everywhere outside.  We love it...the faith of a need for understanding here, simply belief.  Momma will live!
We are very thankful for the support that continues to encourage us in every way.
