Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Findings

Bonny has been having extra pain in her back. She also has been having some kind of episodes where her right leg involuntarily shakes for a few minutes.  There has also developed an unusual bump on her head that did not look normal. Today we had an MRI of her brain as a suggestion of her Mexican doctor and also her previous oncologist. 

We found out through the MRI that this bump on her head related to the leg shaking.  The MRI revealed two 3 cm tumors in her brain along with several other lesions.  These tumors are pressing against the motor sensory area of the left lobe causing the "tremors" in her right leg and side.

We do not know where we will go from here, medically or proactively.  We only know to continue to trust a good God, who knows all and is able to do as He pleases in our lives.

Tomorrow, Bonny and I leave for Cancun, Mexico with two very special people who are funding this trip.  Many others of you contributed for celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary.  We are looking forward to relaxing and enjoying each moment together. 

Thank you, each one.  Pray...He is God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your whole family remains an inspiration, and also remains in my prayers.