Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Taken Captive

He is captivating us, taking a hold of our fragile hearts, and binding them securely to his.

The weapons you fight with are not the weapons of the world.  
You do not wage war as the world does.

No.  We do not fight the way this world does.  We lift, not shields of iron, nor great, shining swords, but hearts firm in his strength, and thoughts captivated by his truth.

Your weapons have divine power to demolish strongholds.  You demolish every earthly pretense that dares to set itself up against the knowledge of God.  You take captive each and every thought, to make it obedient to the heart of the Father.

We wield weapons that no army can destroy, no matter how mighty, no matter how strong.

You asked me to take your life and do with it as I willed.  So, trust me with it, here and now.  Trust me.  Trust me.  Trust me.  Can you not hear my heart rejoicing?  Can you not hear my joy spilling forth?  Do not weep.  Sing.  Do not mourn.  Dance.  Do not beg, but pray with peace in your heart.  I am with you always.  Always.  Always.

God is doing things beyond our belief.  He is breaking us, and changing us.
He is making our struggle worthwhile.

As to prayers, I shall say merely this,  don't stop.  The barriers coming against us, the stress, and the strain, are wearing our courage thin.  So, keep praying.  Your prayers are a gift beyond measure.

With all my heart,

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