Friday, June 25, 2010

What a Ride!

Bonny started her second unit of chemo on Thursday, after beginning to feel much better and getting through most of the problems from the first one. She has another next Thursday and then will be returning to Houston about the middle of July for tests to see how the cancer is responding. She may be needing a pretty cap soon since she is loosing some hair. This, of course is hard on her.

This whole process is like a blind-folded roller coaster ride, not being able to see the next dip, corner or straight stretch of track. The entire Ramsey family is on board, feeling each shift and very aware that our Lord Jesus is holding us in his strong hands. Nothing comes our way that is outside of His control and our hope remains in Him.

We want each of you to know that your prayers and gifts are such a help to us. They are enabling us to remain true to the Lord in this fiery sorrow that has crept our way. We only desire that His purpose would not be thwarted in any way. This is much easier to write than to live out. We are pressing on to know Him and to not become weary. We have found it absolutely critical to keep our minds from giving in to self pity and hopelessness. You can pray for us in that regard and how ever else the Lord leads.


1 comment:

Personius family said...

Dear Ramsey family - we continue to pray for every one of you. So much of what you write is familiar to us, both the heartache and weariness as well as the blessed care of God through a long, severe illness. Keep trusting and taking each step one day at a time, as you are doing so beautifully. Thank you for sharing your hearts of faith.

Hugs and prayers,
Kristin ~ for the Personius family